How To Exercise On A Ketogenic Diet  – Understanding The Basics!
January 16, 2018

How To Exercise On A Ketogenic Diet – Understanding The Basics!

Low-carb ketogenic diets are a fantastic way to reduce your appetite, increase the amount of fat that you burn, and achieve your weight-loss goals. And, just like any traditional diet, a reasonable exercise routine is essential for helping you get through the process.

 However, low-carb diets like keto reduce the amount of carbohydrates in your body that can be consumed for immediate energy. Because of this, there are some tips you should follow to exercise effectively on a ketogenic diet. 

  1. Supplement Your Energy Level With Exogenous Ketones

 One of the best ways you can boost your energy level and avoid fatigue and muscle tiredness is with exogenous ketones.

Exogenous ketones are isolated, highly-effective ketones that are taken as a supplement, usually in powder form. When you take exogenous ketones, you provide your body with a boost of energy in easily-digestible ketone form – without having to eat carbohydrates, and lose your ketogenic state.

 Exogenous ketone supplements have been shown to enhance athletic performance and reduce muscle fatigue, so they’re a great way to boost your energy level before a long workout. 

  1. Consider Eating 30-50g Of Carbohydrates Before High-Intensity “Explosive” Exercise

 For the most part, your body is very good at converting fat into ketones, and using these ketones as an energy source, rather than carbohydrates. But explosive exercise – such as heavy weight lifting, sprints, and other anaerobic activities – can deplete the glycogen in your muscles faster than it can be replenished by ketones.

 If you do a lot of interval training, sprinting, or other activities that require instant energy, you may want to tailor your diet so that you eat the majority of your daily carbohydrates – 30-50g – a few hours before your training session.

 This allows you to stay in ketosis, but still benefit from added glycogen stores in your muscles. 

  1. Focus On HIIT And Weight Training – Rather Than Long Cardio Sessions

 If you’re interested in losing weight on keto, HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) and weight training are usually more effective than long, “low and slow” cardio sessions.

 Long cardio training sessions burn a lot of calories – but also make you very hungry. In addition, if you are not a seasoned athlete, you may simply be unable to maintain peak performance for more than a half-hour.

 That’s where HIIT comes in. High Intensity Interval Training uses fast, high-intensity exercises – such as sprints – balanced with intervals of rest. These exercises torch fat without requiring prolonged exertion, making them a perfect choice for those of us who are on keto.

 Weight training is also a good idea if you’re on a ketogenic diet. Muscle consumes more calories than fat – so if you can lose fat and build muscle, you’ll find that your metabolism is boosted dramatically!

Follow These Tips – Make The Most Of Keto!

 A ketogenic diet is not a “magic bullet” that will help you lose hundreds of pounds. But it’s a useful tool when it comes to meeting your weight loss goals – especially if proper exercise techniques are followed. So think about how you can incorporate these tips into your daily fitness routine – and keep striving towards your goals!